Colier "Colors" collection

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The series this necklace belongs to is named "Colors".
The necklace is made with simple shaped beads in colors that represent a beautiful color combination.
This is a perfect every day necklace.Perfect for office environment. Perfect for urban lady.
Can be worn with variety of outfit colors as there are different colors present in the necklace.
Colors are carefully mixed from preexisting polymer clay colors, without recipes.
The necklace colors beads combination is unique.
The necklace base is a silicon steel wire, 1mm diameter, length 45cm with threaded bolts.

Please remember that due to different monitor settings the colors may appear slightly different on different monitors.

Tip produs: Lucrat manual

Materiale: Polymer clay, fimo, silicon steel wire

Dimensiuni: The necklace base is a silicon steel wire, 1mm diameter, length 45cm with threaded bolts.

Disponibilitate: la comanda (1 zi)

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  • Ca de obicei...minunate! Toate sunt atent lucrate, iar nuanțele alese foarte frumoase. Sunt nerăbdătoare să le port!


  • Ca de obicei...minunate! Toate sunt atent lucrate, iar nuanțele alese foarte frumoase. Sunt nerăbdătoare să le port!


  • Ca de obicei...minunate! Toate sunt atent lucrate, iar nuanțele alese foarte frumoase. Sunt nerăbdătoare să le port!


  • Ca de obicei...minunate! Toate sunt atent lucrate, iar nuanțele alese foarte frumoase. Sunt nerăbdătoare să le port!


  • Coliere cu f mult bun gust si lucrate f atent. F bine organizata si partea logistica a magazinului :).
