Pandantiv ''Luna's Whisper''
This handcrafted silver pendant features the delicate and intricate form of a moth, a creature rich in symbolism and mystery. Every detail in this piece has been carefully sculpted to highlight the moth's elegant wings, adorned with lace-like patterns that evoke both fragility and strength.
The moth is a symbol of transformation, intuition, and guidance. Unlike the butterfly, the moth is drawn to the light in the darkness, representing a deep yearning for truth, hope, and enlightenment even in the most shadowy moments of life. It is a reminder to trust your inner compass, as the moth's unerring pull toward the light reflects the souls journey toward self-discovery and growth.
In many cultures, moths are also seen as messengers from the spiritual realm, carrying whispers of guidance, change, and renewal. Their nocturnal nature makes them a symbol of adaptability and resilience, thriving in spaces where others falter.
This unique pendant is not only a beautiful accessory but also a talisman of hope and transformation, perfect for anyone seeking to celebrate their inner strength and connection to lifes mysteries.
Atentie, pandantivul nu vine insotit si de lantisor!
Daca doriti si lant, va rog sa ma contactati pentru a stabili impreuna detaliile legate de model, dimensiuni si pret.
- Pandantiv realizat integral manual, din argint 999.
- Argintul a fost antichizat si apoi lustruit, pentru a scoate in evidenta textura. Aspectul final al metalului este mat cu zone lucioase.
-Bijuteriile cu patina accentuata sunt finisate cu un strat de ceara microcristalina (Renaissance Wax) pentru a incetini procesul de oxidare si pentru pastrarea cat mai mult timp a patinei
- Toate bijuteriile sunt lucrate si finisate manual, prin urmare este absolut normal sa apara mici diferente. Acest lucru le conferă unicitate.
- Bijuteria vine insotita de cutiuta si instructiuni de pastrare.
- Pandantivul face parte din colectia ''Arcane''
- Dimensiuni: aproximativ 3.5 cm
Tip produs: Lucrat manual
Materiale: -
Dimensiuni: -
Disponibilitate: la comanda (1 zi)
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intre 0 LEI - 1000 LEI
0 LEI, comenzi
peste 1000 LEI
17 LEI, comenzi
intre 0 LEI - 1000 LEI