Cercei ''Delightful Pomegranate''

330 LEI

Six tiny, ruby red pomegranate seeds were enough to seal Persephone's fate and bind her forever to the Realm of the Dead. But instead of looking at the pomegranate like a curse for Persephone, we need to look at them like what they really are: a gift. A gift of purpose and a way to bring "new life" in the Underworld.
Because after this, Kore, the maiden, symbol of innocence and naivity of youth, became Persephone - which in Greek means "she who destroys the light" or "bringer of death". Specifically this transition can be seen as a manifestation of the Jungian concept of the Shadow, for now Persephone becomes a complex personality ( both Goddess of Spring, nurturer of life, who brings forth the fruits of the Earth and Queen of the Underwolrd -mistress of Death, presiding over darkness and decay).
As we journey through life, we too are called to confront our own shadows and integrate the darker aspects of our psyche. And we must always remember how important it is to embrace and integrate these aspects, as this will allow us to become whole, more authentic versions of ourselves, embodying both the light and the dark.
I guess deep down, we all know that transformation and growth require great strength to confront our fears and dive into the unknown, but look closer at Persephone's journey and be certain that in the end, after the struggle, the rewards are profound and life-changing!
- Cercei unicat, realizati integral manual, din argint fin si tije de argint 925. Cerceii sunt decorati cu rasina UV rosie.
-Sistemul de prindere se face prin tije cu cheite speciale anti-alunecare.
- Argintul a fost antichizat si apoi lustruit, pentru a scoate in evidenta textura. Aspectul final al metalului este lucios.
Bijuteriile cu patina accentuata sunt finisate cu un strat de ceara microcristalina (Renaissance Wax) pentru a incetini procesul de oxidare si pentru pastrarea cat mai mult timp a patinei
- Toate bijuteriile sunt lucrate si finisate manual, prin urmare este abssolut normal sa apara mici diferente. Acest lucru le conferă unicitate.
- Bijuteria vine insotita de cutiuta si instructiuni de pastrare.
- Dimensiuni: aproximativ 1.5 cm

Tip produs: Lucrat manual

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Disponibilitate: la comanda (1 zi)

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Opiniile clientilor

  • O minunatie de bijuterie, il ador! Imaginatia creatoarei e fascinanta:-) Daca sunteti in cautare de bijuterii statement, extraordinar de frumoase, si impecabil lucrate, acest magazin e locul! Inclusiv modul in care vine ambalat e minunat! :-)

    Anonim | 20.07.2024

  • Cerceii sunt minunati, ca niste mici bulgari de zapada, perfecti pentru un cadou de Craciun. Comunicarea a fost excelenta, expedierea in timp record, plus instructiuni de ingrijire, deci totul la superlativ! Multumesc mult, recomand si voi reveni!

    Anonim | 16.11.2023

  • Produsele sunt minunate! Comunicarea cu creatoarea excelentă! Dacă doriți podoabe unice aici este răspunsul! Mulțumesc!


  • Produsele sunt minunate! Comunicarea cu creatoarea excelentă! Dacă doriți podoabe unice aici este răspunsul! Mulțumesc!


  • Ma regasesc in bijuteriile create de Raluca, descopar uneori simboluri care mi se potrivesc, cum s-a intamplat cu rodiile. Voi reveni curand, stiu, vrajita de minuni noi!
